The Peter Pan Collar

Thanks to Serena Autorino, fashion blogger at “The Peter Pan Collar,( for her great review about “Luci di Vintage”: she was very good in catching the main spirit of this new way to see vintage. I invite you to visit her blog and read her comment below.

Luci di Vintage, of Irene Avaldi

A very interesting place to visit, Luci di Vintage of Irene Avaldi. I write more about the person than her activity which has started recently but with a great approach. I have to speak about her to tell how a passion can become a job, and, in my opinion, it is the best way to enter in the vintage world. For her it was just destiny: her husband is art passionate, and Irene has started to see around by following him the marvellous decor she would have loved for her space. In every item she selected, she looks for the best appearance in relation to contemporary times. You will find not only brands, but also high quality pieces belonging to the best Made in Italy and Made in France at that time. It was evident after speaking with her: she puts a lot of love in the choice of every item, and she gives it a story that it wouldn’t be possible to know. If you want to get into the Vintagr world, this is the way you should do it.
(Courtesy of )

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Irene Avaldi - Lugano - +41 (0)76 501 72 84 -
Copyright © 2015-2025 Luci di Vintage by Irene Avaldi. All rights reserved.
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